Excellent, and I appreciate thinkers who take seriously pricing, funding, etc. problems. Really great work, and you might enjoy the work done by Anthony over at Intrinsic Macro, though no pressure of course. His piece, "Economic Productivity in Digital Media," is great:


"Intrinsic Value Thesis for Digital Media" is also great:


Looking forward to exploring your Substack, as well as your YouTube channel. A lot of the conversations look utterly fascinating. Well done!

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Gary, I first became aware of you in the video of your meeting with John Vervaeke. And I followed your time at CU. Now this. Your journey continues... Keep going.

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Nice piece of writing.

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Love this!

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Interesting concept! I first thought of NBA Top Shots - but extending these moments from sports to other things, and the people/roles from athletes to do-gooders! I wonder what might be the best extension to try next?

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The amount of creativity and potential tech/science that can benefit all of humanity that we forgo because there is currently no mechanism to fund individual/collective work in the public interest is staggering. I truly believe web3 can revolutionize this!

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